Monday, November 24, 2008


Ok so Jimmy and I got a date night on Friday (thanks mom for watching the kiddos!) to go see Twilight. We have been hooked on the books and were excited to go see the movie. While I have to say they did a pretty good job on the movie the books are ALWAYS better. I dont know, I guess you just get so much more from a book than you do from a movie but none-the-less we enjoyed the movie and our "date night". I am excited to see if they continue to make the movies like they did with Harry Potter :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shelby is 6 months old

So Shelby turned six months yesterday!! We took her in on Sunday to have her "6month" pics done and here was the turn out....

Shelby did amazingly well. She was so coopertive and smiley :). She is such a good baby and we love her so much! Happy half birthday baby!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Halloween

Ok, so here are a few pics of Shelby that were taken with my sister's camera on Halloween. They are a crack up! Alexia decided that she wanted to see what Shelby would look like with her "Ariel" wig first Shelby wasn't too sure.............Then she started talking up a storm! Gotta love these kids!

Monday, November 3, 2008

We hope that everyone had a safe and happy Halloween! We had an awesome time. We took the girls trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and they had so much fun! Alexia really got into the whole knocking on the doors and saying "trick-or-treat" and getting her goodies! Shelby went along for the ride in her stroller but was just as cute as could be in her ladybug outfit!! Alexia managed to trick-or-treat the whole time in her entire costume which I was surprised by!! The only thing we lost along the way was the crown which kept coming off so we tucked it in the stroller but other than that she did amazing with her costume!! I thought for sure we would lose a shoe here, the wig there, and what not but I was wrong!! Below are a few pics of me and the girls. I have more pics to put up but they are in another camera so as soon as I get those downloaded I'll get them up!