Monday, March 23, 2009

We moved!

ok so this isnt the funnest blog to write but its easier then answering a million questions from a million people...we have moved. We decided to give up our house, which was a very tough decision, but we knew in the long run it would be the best for our family. With Jimmy not working and bills flowing in it was just the best thing to do. The upside of the move is the kids, well lexi anyway, was excited and we got to move back to fresno. We are right around the corner from my parents which is super nice!! We like the new place and surprisingly have alot of room. Its nothing fancy but is much more affordable on the pocket book and when jimmy does get a job its much easier for me to get to be a stay at home mom....which is the ultimate goal! :) so as sad and as hard as it was for us to make the decision to move, the better we know it will be for us. Thanks to everyone that helped and offered to help. we love you all

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spaghetti Face!

Jimmy made spaghetti for dinner tonight and we thought we'd give Shelby some....better yet let her feed herself. Here is what we got!

She thought it was fun eating with no clothes on! hmmm lets try this out

yum! I got the hang of this now!!!

I love this pic! My cheeser girl smile! By the way look at all those chompers!! 6 theeth now...3 on top 3 on the bottom!!
Alexia eating her dinner! Surprisingly not too much missed her mouth!!

yum yum. Daddy made good spaghetti and now we can say BOTH girls love it!! Another favorite meal to add to the list!

Snow day!

Last weekend Jimmy and I took the kids to the snow. We met up with my mom, sister, Jacob, Jimmy's brother Steven and his wife Jani and their kids Ethan and Xavier. We had a blast. We did sledding, snow tasting, and snow ball fights!! After that we had a yummy lunch that my mom packed!! Fun Fun!
Me and Shelby sledding for the first time
The snow is cold mom!
Jacob and Lex hedding down the hill

they caught some air on this one!
Steven and Ethan lex getting ready

We had a wonderful weekend with family and most of all the kids had a blast!!