Later that night we took Jimmy to dinner for his family birthday dinner at BJ"S yum!! We had a wonderful dinner and a great bday pazookie!! Those things are awesome! Then we headed back to our place for presents and a apple walnut cobbler I made. YUM!
Here is lex handing the presents to dad :)
Shelby playing ball with her papa joe
THEN..on Jimmys actual bday (oct 7) i had the big surprise planned. We went to chuckchansi and stayed the night. This was a big deal since shelby has never been away from both of us since she was born!! But we all made it and she was in great hands at my mom and dads house which she loves to go to anyway!! This is a pic of Jimmy on our way....We met some friends and ate and gambled and had so much fun!
this was our view from the room
the next day we got up drove back down to fresno and picked up shelby and went to the Big fresno fair!! Shelby got to ride her first real pony!! She loved it

then friday we left to go on our camping trip! Here is papa joe and lex trying to pretend to be asleep! It was a long car ride but the kids did awesome. We camped at Big sur and had so much fun!
we took this really neat one lane road all the way there called G16 lol I had never heard of it but im glad we took it. It was so pretty and we got to see some deer and some really pretty sights along the way
this was on a hike at the camp ground
This was at the big sur beach