Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big girl!!

Shelby has had a very "big girl week" She is turning 2 next month so we decided it was time to say goodbye to her bink! She used it mostly in the car or when going to bed but lately it had become more of a chew toy than anything...well she finally chewed a hole in it so we threw it out. Now, we have more than one bink but she has the habbit of just throwing them when she is done with them so we loose them all the time :) So this was our "last" bink. We had shelby take it to the trash and throw it away. She said "bye bye binky" and was fine. That is until bedtime lol. At bedtime she asked for it and we explained that she threw it away because it was broken...she immediately started to cry. It was a very hurt cry. She was devestated!! My heart broke for her and we just tried talking to her and tried giving her some of her favorite stuffed animals and tried to soothe her. Nothing was working and after 45 min I was ready to head to the store in search of a bink, but after a few more min she finally fell asleep WITHOUT the bink. Bless her heart she was exhausted. It was that type of crying that even after they are done they still have those little gasps as they calm down. Ugh! heartbreaking. The good thing though is only an hour of crying and she is totally off the bink! She asked for it a few times the next day but never had another meltdown and hasnt really asked for it! She will tell you as she told my dad that the binky she threw in the trash! So hey at least she understands!!! So yay shelby!! You are such a big girl!!

Since she did so great with the ditching the bink we thought we would try to get her to sleep in her own bed. Yes she still slept with us!! She had a beautiful crib but slept in it maybe 2 times since she was born lol and those were probably naps! I loved having her in the bed BUT now that shes getting bigger she moves alot and feet in your back at 2am is not so much fun! So we thought it was time.....and guess what? She did it!! Amazing!
This is the next morning...such a big girl!!

We are so proud of miss Shelby! She has done so great! We love you baby! or should I say Big girl :)

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